Fast magnetoacoustic wave trains in coronal plasma structures
报告题目:Fast magnetoacoustic wave trains in coronal plasma structures
报告人:Professor Valery Nakariakov
报告人单位:University of Warwick, UK
报告时间:2024年7月31日 10:00-11:20
The solar corona shows a variety of wave and oscillatory processes which are well resolved with modern spaceborne and ground-based observational facilities, and interpreted as magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. The mechanisms which determine the observed periodicities include the standard resonances, such as kink oscillations of coronal loops, and driven oscillations, such as slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal fans and plumes, as well as less understood mechanisms connected with the wave dispersion and non-adiabatic effects. In this talk we’ll discuss formation of fast magnetoacoustic wave trains, excited by a single pulse, because of the geometric dispersion caused by fine structuring of the coronal plasma across the magnetic field. We’ll demonstrate that this mechanism can readily explain both narrow and broad quasi-periodic fast (QFP) waves observed In the EUV band in the corona. Furthermore, the local misbalance of the plasma heating and cooling processes, intrinsic to the corona, leads to the appearance of another dispersion which may also lead to the formation of quasi-periodic oscillatory patterns consistent with the observed wave motions.
Professor Valery (Val) Nakariakov graduated from the School of Radiophysics of Lobachevsky’s Gorky State University, USSR in 1989, and gained PhD in Plasma Physics at the Applied Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1994. In 1995-1999, he was a postdoc at St Andrews, UK, and since 1999 he has held a permanent academic position (Full Professor since 2007) at the University of Warwick, UK. His primary research focuses on the observational study and theoretical modelling of magnetohydrodynamic wave processes in the corona of the Sun. Nakariakov is a recipient of the Chapman Medal-2024 of the Royal Astronomical Society, awarded for distinguished research in solar-terrestrial physics, and the Payne-Gaposchkin Medal and Prize-2015 of the UK’s Institute of Physics, recognising excellence in plasma astrophysics and heliophysics. In 2011-2014 Nakariakov was President of the Solar Physics Division of the European Physical Society.