Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in eclipsing binary models
报告题目:? ? Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in eclipsing binary models
报告人:? ? ? ?Prof. Andrej Prsa
报告人单位:? Villanova University
报告语言:? ? ?英文
报告时间:? ? ?2023年12月13日(星期三)下午3:00-4:30
报告地点:? ? ? 主楼412会议室
Eclipsing binary stars are the cornerstone of stellar astrophysics. The models of eclipsing binary observables yield the most accurate fundamental parameters (masses, radii, temperatures and luminosities) for the system components. Yet to model observations of a single binary star, it takes time. Depending on the number of data points, a typical forward model (synthesizing observables from passed parameters) can take minutes or longer. While that might not sound like much, when sampling the parameter space, we need millions of forward model computations. In this talk I will introduce the eclipsing binary model PHOEBE and show how artificial intelligence can reduce the time cost by whopping 7 orders of magnitude.
报告人简介:双星解轨程序PHOEBE作者,IAU Division G Stars and Stellar Systems主席