
Studying the influence of close companions on late stellar evolution

报告题目:      Studying the influence of close companions on late stellar evolution

报告人:          Dr. Veronika Schaffenroth

报告人单位:  Thuringian State observatory, Tautenburg

报告语言:      英

报告时间:      20231130(星期四上午11:00--12:00

报告地点:      1号楼412会议室



More than half of all stars are found to be not in single but in binary or even multiple systems. A significant number of them will influence each other during their lifetime. This is happening mostly via mass transfer from one star to the other, which can be stable or unstable. Moreover, strong irradiation can have a strong influence the companion and tidal or magnetic interactions can change the stellar rotation or the binary orbit. About two third of the hot subdwarfs of spectral type B, which are core-helium burning stars stripped of most of their envelope on the red giant branch, are found in close binaries with cool, low-mass stellar, substellar or white dwarf companions with periods from about one hour to a few days or FGK type companions with up to 1500d. Investigations show that binary interaction is required for the formation of a hot subdwarf, which makes them ideal for studying mass transfer in binaries. The same is true for close binary central stars of planetary nebulae and hot white dwarfs in close binaries. Those closet binaries show different kinds of variations in their light curves, which can be used to characterize the primary star and its companion. Many close binaries have ground-based or space-based light curves with high signal-to-noise ratio available now, which can be used to find and analyze those systems. In this talk I will present the research I will present our search for more such systems and the analysis of some of those systems. They will help to shed some light on the influence of close companions on late stellar evolution.



2010 Diploma in physics, Observatory Bamberg, Astronomical Institute of the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heber, Title: Subdwarf B stars in close binaries: three new HW Virginis systems and the search after them in the CoRoT anticenter?eld

2015 Ph.D. in Astrophysics,  Observatory Bamberg, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heber and Prof. Dr. Norbert Przybilla, Title: Analysis of low-mass and high-mass post common-envelope systems,

2015-2017 PostDoc with Prof. Dr. Norbert Przybilla at the Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics, University of Innsbruck as part of the MICADO and METIS consortium

2017-2018  PostDoc with Prof. Dr. Dr. Stephan Geier, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of T bingen

2018-2023 PostDoc with Prof. Dr. Dr. Stephan Geier, Institute for Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam from 2023 Staff Scientist at the Thuringian State observatory, Tautenburg




