
Galactic archaeology with metal-poor stars

报告题目:      Galactic archaeology with metal-poor stars

报告人:          李海宁 研究员

报告人单位:  中国科学院国家天文台

报告语言:      中/英文

报告时间:      2023年11月8日(星期三) 10:00-11:30

报告地点:      1号楼412会议室



Old low-metallicity (metal-poor) stars provide us a unique window to explore the early history of our Milky Way as well as that of the nucleosynthesis in the universe. This talk will introduce the art of Galactic archaeology with metal-poor stars, mainly using the joint efforts between LAMOST and Subaru in the past few years as an example. A homogeneous high-precision dataset has been established for about 400 very metal-poor stars, which provides an unprecedentedly valuable sample to constrain the Galactic evolution. A number of discoveries have also been made covering some interesting topics, including the cosmic lithium problem, the origin of heavy elements, as well as the relics of super massive first stars.



Haining Li is now a professor at the National Astronomical Observatories of CAS (NAOC). She obtained her Ph.D. at NAOC in 2010, and has been working there since then. Her research mainly focuses on Galactic archaeology, where astronomers use old low-metallicity low-mass stars to trace the early history of the Milky Way. She has published over 50 research papers, with an h-index about 22, and has been awarded the National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars in 2022. 


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