
High-resolution Observations and Studies from Goode Solar Telescope

报告题目:  High-resolution Observations and Studies from Goode Solar Telescope

报告人:    Xu Yang Assistant Research Professor

报告人单位:  Big Bear Solar Observatory, NJIT

报告语言:   中文

报告时间:   2023年4月6日(星期四)上午 09:30--11:30

报告地点:   1号楼228会议室



New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) has built, and now operates the 1.6-meter Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), which was the highest-resolution solar telescope built in the U.S. in a generation. Benefitting from the long periods of excellent local seeing at the Big Bear Lake, the GST, equipped with high-order adaptive optics, routinely collects diffraction-limited spatial resolution (~0.1") photometric, spectroscopic and/or polarimetric data, with a high cadence (< 40 s), across the spectrum from 0.4 -5.0 m. Since the beginning of its regular operation in 2010, it has provided the community with open access to observations of the photosphere, chromosphere and up to the base of the corona with the unprecedented resolution, targeting at the fundamental nature of solar activity and the origin of space weather. In recent years, the BBSO team has made significant developments and upgrades to GST focal plane instruments, taking them to a new level. Various solar observation has been achieved and novel research results have been carried out relying on GST high-resolution data. 







